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John - joined 2021
"I’m John, a short geordie ex pat, pushing 70 with sticky out ears. That’s all completely irrelevant because the guys and gals who I meet for a couple of hours on Thursday evenings are the most diverse, generous and welcoming gang. I rolled up at the open session last year and the rest, as they say is history. In the last twelve months we’ve sung at a festival, at weddings, in parks, at parties and a great Christmas concert. Singing makes me happy. Singing with this choir makes me happy. Two hours of being happy with tea and really good biscuits at half time, why would I want to spend a Thursday evening any other way?"
"When I first went along to SSS in February I felt a bit nervous, but there wasn't any need to have been. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. I even thought 'How will I remember the words to songs", but once I started to relax and have fun, the more the words came to me. Our MD, Andi is so talented and I love her style of teaching. The soul and gospel music is so much fun and uplifting to sing. I have sung with our choir in front of an audience which was a real buzz and has given me more confidence. Joining SSS is one of the best things I have done in a long time. I'm so looking forward to returning to choir practice after the summer break."

Winnie - joined 2022
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Mary-Rose - joined 2019
"I pitched up at one of these free workshops back in 2019 and haven't looked back. Getting back into singing again has been the best thing I've done in years, and singing with such a friendly and welcoming group of people has made it even more enjoyable.
So, go on - have a go at channelling your inner Aretha Franklin or Marvin Gaye. You won't regret it!

"After the interminable lockdowns, I wanted to mix with people again and feel part of a group. For me, singing is great therapy, both for body and mind. I was looking for an Ipswich choir that didn't demand an audition; one with reasonable rehearsal times; one that would be FUN.
I joined SSS last autumn and I love it! I was warmly welcomed into the group and given lots of help to settle in. Three public performances later, I feel more confident - and I’m really happy that I made the decision to join SSS."
Liz - joined 2022

"I have been in SSS for over 7 years. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and made some good friends. We perform at many different types of venue, from the Suffolk Punch Horse Sanctuary to The Wolsey Theatre, to St Edmundsbury Cathedral.
I find singing with SSS is uplifting, so whether you're young, old, male, female, why not come and give it a go ?
Lesley - joined 2016
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