Suffolk Soul Singers is open to everyone over the age of 18 who loves to sing, from absolute beginners to more experienced singers.
Find out more by reading our FAQs below:
What makes Suffolk Soul Singers special? Suffolk Soul Singers is a unique group of around 35-40 singers, based in Ipswich, but attracting members from further afield. We are not part of a local or national franchise; we are more like a community of friends who enjoy learning and performing soul & gospel music together. Our tagline is “Keeping the music live” as, unlike many contemporary choirs, we don’t use recorded backing music for our rehearsals or performances, but always sing to live music.
When & where do we meet? We meet on Thursday evenings, 6.30 to 8.30 pm, at St. Augustine’s Community Hub, Bucklesham Rd. Ipswich, IP3 8TH Our sessions are organised in 3 terms - autumn, spring, & summer matching those of school terms. The length of terms vary, according to when public holidays fall, but we average around 13 weeks a term. N.B. The Hub is very wheelchair friendly; no steps, accessible toilet & two dedicated parking bays by the entrance.
Do I have to audition or read music? There are no auditions and, as we learn all our songs by ear, (ie. listening and repeating), you don't need to be able to read music. You will be sent recordings of all the songs we learn, week by week, so you can listen to them at home. You will also have access to the archive of all the songs in the group’s repertoire.
I'm not a confident singer. Does that matter? Many people are put off joining a choir as they are concerned that their voice isn’t good enough, or that they won’t hit the right notes - but don't worry. You will have the support of those around you and your voice will blend with theirs to create a wonderful sound together! The longer you are with the choir, the more you’ll learn about singing and your confidence will grow accordingly.
What sort of songs do you sing? As the name suggests, we focus on soul music by artists like Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, etc. However, we also sing quite a bit of gospel, a bit of reggae, plus several other great songs, including those by Carole King, James Taylor, the Beatles & others, all arranged with a soulful twist. You can hear clips of some of our songs by visiting the 'Listen to Us' page of this site
Do you sing in parts? How do I know which section to join? We sing most songs in 4-part harmony - soprano (higher range female voice), alto, (middle range female), tenor, (low female & high male), bass, (middle & low male range). If you're not sure which section would be best for you, we can easily advise you at your taster sessions. You can always change sections if you find the range doesn't suit you.
Will I have to sing on my own? You will never be asked to sing on your own. Those people who sing lead vocals are all volunteers. The opportunity to sing solo is open to everyone - but is entirely up to each individual member to decide if they want to take up that option.
When and where does the choir perform? We love to perform! It’s a way of sharing with others our joy in singing, whether it’s busking in the park, on stage in a theatre with hundreds of people watching, or at a joyous wedding ceremony. A good way to get a feel for our range of performances is to look at our gallery of past gigs by going to our Gallery page You don’t have to take part in these events, but almost all members do join in with at least some of them, as they are great fun and very rewarding. Because of the range of gigs we do, it is easy to start with something very low-key and gradually build your confidence until you are ready to step out onto a big stage - no matter how long that takes!
How much does it cost to belong to SSS? Our subs are very competitive, at £65 a term. ( 41 sessions a year divided into 3 terms, so euqivalent to £4.75 a session) This can be paid monthly by Standing Order or termly by bank transfer or cheque. N.B. We may be able to offer assistance in cases where people find it hard to meet the full subscription payment. You’re welcome to attend two taster sessions for free to see if you’ll enjoy being part of the choir, before making a commitment to join.